Category Archives: #Juneathon

Posts all about my #Juneathon efforts. Visit to join us.

#Juneathon Day 8: feeling tired now


After a week of running I’m feeling a little tired now. My legs are feeling slow and heavy and I just want to wear my trainers all day at work, instead of nice shoes that aren’t covered in mud.

I think I’m doing quiet well, my husband hasn’t twigged that I’m doing Juneathon, he hates Janathon & Juneathon because he complains that I’m going out running and never let him go to the gym or running, or that he always has to eat tea on his own & never sees me. I’m not sure why he hasn’t worked out that I’m in Juneathon, possibly blogging from my phone has helped.

Today was 3.7k in 32 min.

Brings me up to a total of about 24km for Janathon today.

#Juneathon Day 4 : Zombie Cto5k



I’m in a grump, and didn’t want to run, but I forced myself out the door.

I did 2 things.
I promised myself I would buy cake if I did a whole 30 minutes or more.
I put on a Couch to 5k track, so I didn’t feel bad about only half running, or mostly walking.

I love the SixToStart Zombies Run game, but have only done 2 runs from the other app they have, a 5k training app from the guys at Abel Township.
Previously you had to follow the program, and could only get the next workout once you’d completed the 1st. An update recently unlocked all the training plan, so I skipped ahead to week 3, and did a little more running than the start. It’s good, it talks you through each run / walk interval & has some stretching included. I like it, an I escaped from Zombies safely.

4.2km in 38 min & an apple pie.

#Juneathon Day 3: contains actual running.


Today I had planned 2 gym classes straight after work.

Body Attack, another of the Les Mills classes, this time no weights, and me flailing about to music, but it burns about 500 cals in 45 min class, so I just do it & hope I don’t injure the fools who stand near me.

And Box Fit. A class that involves boxing & an instructor with a mean streak, but I really enjoy it, so I keep going back for more pain, and eventually I’ll be able to plank & do press ups in boxing gloves.

However this didn’t happen, because as I was eating tea with my husband, Spag Bol BTW, he dropped the news that he is working late shifts this week, so I’d need to pick our kids up instead of him.


So I got up and went “running” this morning.

It was actually more of a jog walk, I’m not a morning person.

It was a lovely morning.

3.12km in 31min, hardly record braking, but it’s still 30 min of activity, so I’ll not moan about it any more.

#juneathon Day 2 : already ran out of clever titles.



Today’s Juneathon effort was another class. This one an hour long & with weights. I was all set to take photos of the little area you set up at the start of the class, with a step & all the stuff you add on & take off for different sections, but GymPact was being bloody stupid & I spent more time fiddling with my iPhone, and just didn’t have a chance before the class started.
It’s only the 2nd time I’ve done Body Pump, and last time I ached for 3 days afterwards.
It’s crushing. I’m certainly not going to be picking anything of the high shelves at work tomorrow. It just confirms I have no upper body strength.

I’m also 2 out of 2 for writing my food diary. I’m good at starting, but rubbish at doing it for more than a few days, but here’s to a Juneathon streak. I use My Fitness Pal, (runforthequiet if you want to find me & see all the junk I consume.)

Ok, my arms are going to drop off, so that’s enough typing, what’s shall I have for tea?

Look Fit! #Juneathon is here!



Nothing like a Juneathon to break you out of a months blog silence!

If you have no idea what Juneathon is, well, it’s like Janathon, but theoretically warmer. If that doesn’t make sense to you the I suggest you visit the Juneathon site and learn about it there.


My first day of Juneathon was an 8am class at the gym on the opposite side of town.
Metafit is only a 30 minute class but it’s pretty fierce. All body weight training and all done in short sets. It’s a killer. I left the class half dead and with a soggy sweaty shirt. Then had to dive into the shower, get dried, dressed and on the bus to work in about 11 minutes.
I think it’s unfair that after a really hard gym class, and I put lots of effort in, I had to sprint for the bus!

I don’t think I’m going to run every day of Juneathon, but I will make sure I do at least 30min of activity every day. I have different gym classes booked for tomorrow & Monday, so I don’t think my 1st run will be until Tuesday.

I also set some goals for June this morning.


I’d like to point out, that I’m not giving up coffee, just the brand.

Wish me Luck, & good Luck to all #Juneathon participants!

4/31 #Janathon


Did you read my blog yesterday? If not, it’s alright, today’s is mostly the same.

Again I made plans, and again I totally failed to actually get out & run. Although I did explain Janathon to another person, without sounding like a loon.

Tonight I ran up and down the stairs again. It’s exercise, honest.

This Janathon & family & job thing is a bit difficult, how’s everyone else managing?

#Juneathon Round up, yep, it’s late!


So I didn’t complete Juneathon, I had a few days off  & didn’t log all my runs, but i did get more miles in the runs than the whole of Janathon.

So that’s a #WIN!

Juneathon was hard, much harder than the January cousin, I’m not a summer runner & the kids were awake much later than in the winter, making the time to blog & log was almost harder than getting the effort together to get on my trainers and move.

It was great fun following the blogs, and the #Juneathon feed in tweetdeck, I’m almost looking forwards to Janathon again!

Well, I guess it’s back to reality, and Marathon training, (I’ve already missed my last long run, visiting friends for happy birthdays instead of running 11 miles, sorry Hal)and infrequent and random blog posts.